Sunday, March 29, 2009

i guess some truths

the problem with bushbashing is that half of the anti-bush sentiment is that HE ruined the economy, that his war is a huge factor of the american debt, and that he is the reason gas prices were up. this is complete bullshit. it is the people's fault we're going into an economic recession.
before i elaborate on loans and such, allow me to tell you why gas prices were up so high. it's because there were too many soccer moms driving huge fucking s.u.v.s, too many people thinking they were "in" with their fucking escalades, rednecks with their hugeass, gas wasting trucks, all these things were sucking up so much gas it was absolutely ridiculous. these beasts were the cause of high gas prices, not the war. thankfully, people realized this and didn't drive these tanks as much anymore. not many people realized it, but enough did to lessen the strain on gas stations. however, i have seen these demons back on the road again, and already we're back up to $2.00+ for gas per gallon. that didn't last long, did it?
ok, back to the 1920's. cars are starting to get really big, so big it's becoming a necessity. every american must have a car. most people can't afford to pay for a car straight up, and thus loans become more popular. however, a lot of people abused loans, whether for housing, transportation, or whatever. too many people can't pay the loans back, banks start feeling it, everything goes to hell. next stop, great depression. flash foward to now. technology has been booming. everyone wants an ipod, all the teens want their cars when they reach 16, couples are as idealist as ever and forgo college and marry and take a loan out on a house, take a loan for their cars, oh you must have two cars for a couple, same shit, different periods of time. everyone thinks obama is going to change things. it's not going to happen, not with greedy bankers and national delusion about credit. the only thing obama can possibly do is cushion the fall for the middle class. rich people will be largely unaffected, of course. hate crimes against the rich are coming, my friends. we're destined to failure, america. hopefully we, as a people, will bounce back up after the fall, and not resort to even more war as an answer.
basically, give out on your hope for change.
is what i said based in fact, or idiocy? you decide.

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